Tree Diagnosis Services
Proper tree diagnosis should always be performed by a certified arborist, who can offer vital information about monitoring trees and treatment for disease as well as advice about tree pruning, trimming, and more. When it comes to diagnosing tree problems an arborist requires a combination of knowledge, experience, keen observation, and deductive reasoning. Trees in an urban environment face a wide array of problems that they may not have been genetically predisposed to deal with. The certified arborist at Blue Ox Tree Service will take the time to investigate your trees and the surrounding environment to provide you with the most accurate information, diagnosis, and recommended solutions. We have included here the most common disorders we encounter here in the Tampa Bay area.

Co-Dominant Stems
The term “co-dominant stems” is used to describe two or more main stems (or “leaders”) that are about the same diameter and emerge from the same location on the main trunk. As the tree grows older, the stems remain similar in size without any single one becoming dominant. A Tampa arborist will confirm that even though such stems may look fine to the casual observer, they may actually be very dangerous. Co-dominant stems tend to fail much more often than others especially in storms. Co-dominant stems that form a sharp “V” shape at the base create a structurally unsound union. As the stems expand, they push the bark into each other resulting in what is known as “bark inclusion”. This continually self inflicting wound also results in decay inside the tree which can lead to catastrophic failure.


Lightning Damage

Fungi Growth

Roots and Soil Issues